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The uniqueness of the Papua region that cannot be found in other regions

Indonesia is a large country and is rich in natural and cultural resources. One of the islands that has a lot of natural and cultural wealth is Papua. So what are the uniqueness of the Papua region that cannot be found in other regions?

The Uniqueness of the Papua Region
Papua, which is at the eastern end of Indonesia, often referred to as the Black Pearl, is a province at the eastern end of Indonesia which borders the country of New Guinea. The word Papua comes from the Malay language meaning curly hair, an image that refers to the physical appearance of the indigenous Papuan tribes.

In the past, the island of Papua was not what it is today. Papua Island is not united with Indonesia, but closer to Australia. Due to tectonic movements, the island of Papua is getting closer to Indonesia. As a result, there are a lot of uniqueness in the Papua region but not in other areas.

The uniqueness of the Papua region include:

  • Eternal Snow
    Quoting a book entitled Ethnography of Papuan Development by Mulyadi (2019: 9), the island of Papua is near the equator and has a tropical climate. However, there is a uniqueness that only the island of Papua has, namely eternal snow. Eternal snow is at the top of Mount Cartensz Pyramide which has a height of 4,884 meters above sea level.
Eternal Snow at the top of Mount Cartensz
  • Animals and Plants
    Because the island of Papua used to be one with Australia, there are so many animals and plants that only exist on the Black Pearl island. Examples: birds of paradise, large ant houses, cuscus, and so on.
Bird of Paradise
  • Have White Sand on the Hill
    On the land of Papua, precisely in Wamena, there is white sand. Unlike other areas, the white sand in Papua is on a hill. The hill is called Sumpula Hill.
Sumpula Hill – foto ig @wulanulla
  • Raja Ampat
    Papua has a very beautiful place and is rich in marine animals and plants. The area is named Raja Ampat. Raja Ampat is known for its series of towering islands. In addition, Raja Ampat is a favorite place for diving (spot diving).
Raja Ampat
  • Rich in Mining Products
    It is undeniable that Papua Island is rich in mining products. One of them is the world’s largest gold mine, namely PT Freeport. Because of the large amount of gold in the Freeport Papua mine, it is estimated that Freeport’s revenue in 2019 is 1.79 billion dollars.
Freeport Mining Field

That’s the discussion about the uniqueness of Papua. It turns out that Pupua is very rich in natural and cultural products. (MZM)

Source: Kumparan

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This Blog has gone through many obstacles and attacks from violent Free West Papua separatist supporters and ultra nationalist Indonesian since 2007. However, it has remained throughout a time devouring thoughts of how to bring peace to Papua and West Papua provinces of Indonesia.

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