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West Papua Separatists are criminal

West Papua Separatists

When I started writing this blog, I planned to understand the rebellion attitude of small number of West Papuans. I fail to meet them one by one but successfully use other means like online media and social media. Most of West Papuan separatist leaders use social media to let the world know about their campaign.

Indonesian government calls those who want West Papua independence as criminal armed group, while I prefer to use the term separatist. My online research find a very shocking facts how Free West Papua deceived donors and use the money for their own benefit. Please read here.

West Papua is never in a constant turmoil. However, when violent separatist group terrorize the population, incidences of violence occurred.

Separatist protesters are not dying, they incite violence and provoke Papuan local police to use force.

Free West Papua campaign instigates violent conflict from time to time.

I believe, West Papuans are peaceful people, but separatist group continues to provoke rebellion and create tension among the population.

Please support us to create a peaceful West Papua and do not support West papua separatists.

Thank you


A former Dutch colony, West Papua was formally returned to Indonesia in 1969.

The undisputed vote of about 1,025 representative tribal leaders has chosen to join Indonesia.

The United Nations endorsed the result of the plebiscite and the world recognized West Papua as part Indonesia.

West Papuan people have elected the leaders of Papua and West Papua provinces.

The election in West Papua has strengthened the legality of the region as a province of Indonesia.

During the Abdurrahman Wahid administration in 2000, the government changed the province name from “Irian Jaya” to “Papua”.

Papua gained a “Special Autonomy” status, a political compromise between Papuans and the central government.

In 2001, politicians in Jakarta agreed to proceed with the implementation of the Special Autonomy.

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This Blog has gone through many obstacles and attacks from violent Free West Papua separatist supporters and ultra nationalist Indonesian since 2007. However, it has remained throughout a time devouring thoughts of how to bring peace to Papua and West Papua provinces of Indonesia.

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